Very excited! Will be leaving in approximately 32 hours. I've been
Other than work things have been going well in Nairobi. Our life here is definitely settled now and wouldn't you believe it? It actually feels like we live here! I have to say we're much more spoiled than I thought we would be! Good food, clean place to live and...TV! Haha, even though Ive tried to resist I can't help but watch all the goodies...Grey's Anatomy, Prison Break, 24,'s all here...only one season behind! Ripped illegal DVD's are pretty easy to come by here though so it's pretty easy to catch up!
Anyhow, just thought I'd give a brief update. I'm sorry I haven't been as diligent as Matt has been about the blog but it seems like I've been here for so long that it doesn't really seem like there's a whole lot of new to report! Things are going extremely well though and I look forward to coming back here and doing more Sexual Education workshops and finishing up my work at the lab! I'm also looking forward to Matt and my year end trip when I return...has everyone figured out where we might be going?
Well, off to my farewell dinner I'm having with Matt tonight...we're going to try out a new Japanese restaurant we heard of...hopefully it's good!
See you all soon!