Tuesday, October 31, 2006
The Elusive White Rhino Adventure
We arrived in Nakuru bright and early to go get supplies for our weekend trek. Nakuru is a bustling town and is definitely a larger city. It is a popular destination for tourists as the neighbouring lake is such a good spot for wildlife viewing. However, like most things in Kenya, things aren't very well marked and we end up spending a while trying to find the main gate to the park! I have to admit, it is mostly my fault as I am not used to navigating and don't co-operate well when under pressure. But, like good explorers we trudged on and did finally find the park!
Once we arrived at the gate we were greeted by Vervet monkeys. Little things with mostly grey fur except a ring of white surrounding their black faces. They were very curious and we even ended up seeing some climbing on people's cars! Once we got in, we immediately saw a huge waterbuck male! Very much like a larger deer with dark brown fur....and one pair of large horns...hmmm...so not very much like a large deer but I think we have some pictures of some! Matt and I then drove up to the banda which we would be staying in. They're sort of like circular huts with thatched roofs. Very...rustic. At this point I think I ended up taking a nap because I was feeling a bit tired and cranky. I believe it was from the "roads" that led up to Nakuru. Although, I don't think I would call them "roads"...more like bits of cement in an immense field of potholes the size of Lake Nakuru itself. Nonetheless, after the break Matt and I set out and had an awesome wildlife viewing. We saw all the previous animals...zebra, warthog, Thomson and Grant's gazelles and LOADS of baboons! They were everywhere! I have to say I really enjoy watching primates though! They're very uninhibited and remind me of what humans might be like if we weren't restricted by the rules of being in polite society.
After some time, Matt and I wandered around to the South side of the lake where we had a little drink by a flock of flamingoes. The lake edge was like a moonscape because it was all dry and all was left was white. We continued by the water's edge and found our first white rhino! SO BIG!! And skittish! There was a long procession of vehicles though, so after we waited for them to pass, Matt got out of the car to get a shot. The rhino didn't really like this though and charged in the other direction. He then faced Matt as if he was going to charge at us! But, ended up doing nothing. Wuss. Haha, no just kidding. It's actually quite scary being in the presence of wild animals...you never know what they're going to do!
Anyways, we ended the day by crashing into a local swanky lodge located inside the park. While driving there we ended up seeing our first predatory animal: a spotted hyena. He was just walking up the road when we spotten us and continued walking right by us in the car...amazing! Anyhow, when we got to the lodge, we lounged outside their very spacious bar, drinking Tusker and Pina Coladas. The tables and chairs were then cleared for some traditional African dancing. It was quite the treat. Matt and I finished our "African" experience at the lodge in the restaurant at an all-you-can eat buffet. SCRUMPTIOUS! Then, we left the lodge and went back to our meager banda. Haha...it was pretty neat!
Well, I'm sure you've read enough by now so I'll leave you there. I'll keep you posted on our other trips in the future. Right now I am working on getting some STD research work and am making some progress! Keep reading to see what happens....Miss you all and will see you soon!
Sunday, October 29, 2006
Photos from Lake Nakuru National Park

Right now I'm pretty tired from the drive back, and just getting caught up on some work but we'll post some stories tomorrow. Video in a few days hopefully!
Click the link below to go directly to the album:
Also, I put a few links in the side bar on the right (you might need to refresh your browser) for those of you who wanted to know more about the work that we are doing here in Nairobi!
Friday, October 27, 2006
Back on Sunday!
Pictures coming soon!
Thursday, October 26, 2006
Heading back to the Rift Valley in our new 4x4!
The roof on ours is quite a bit taller, with small windows above the rear windows. Also, there is a cargo rack on top for storage and an extra spare tire. It's a small little 4x4, but it's supposed to be great off road, and also very good on gas.
This time we will be going a little bit further than last week to a lake called Lake Nakuru. It's about 150km away from Nairobi, and is just north of Lake Naivasha where we were last weekend. The lake is famous for it's numerous flamingo which come to the lake to feed on the abundant algae which thrive in its warm alkaline waters. There is a larger variety of animals at this park than at Hells Gate (where we were last week), and we're hoping to see Rhino, leopards, lions, waterbuck, and possibly even pythons! Here's a satelite photo of the park, and you can see Lake Naivasha just beyond it (looking south), and Nairobi (where the 4 thumbtacks are) at the top middle of the photo:

Monday, October 23, 2006
Video: Trip to Hells Gate National Park
Note: Sorry about the pixelated-ness of these videos. We are soon going to be experimenting with some new software, which should allow us to use our DVD Handicam instead of our little digital camera for video.
Sunday, October 22, 2006
Hell's Gate
After going to the town of Naivasha to stock up on supplies, we showed up at the gate to the park where we found a rather large gathering of cars. I guess Matt and I didn't pick the best time to go as this past Friday was a national holiday (Kenyatta Day). But, I volunteered Matt to go up in line as he was a much more intimidating presence than I was! That didn't stop people from trying to budge in front though! We waited a good hour at the gate I think before we entered the park! It was crazy! Once we did get in though, we were surrounded by steep cliffs on either side of us and what seemed to be endless grasslands dotted with low shrubs and the odd Acacia tree. Our first animal sighting was zebra! It was so exciting to know that the animals were wild and free to roam! Matt and I then turned off the main trail to our camp site which was actually situated midway up the cliffs. On our way up we spotted a small family of warthogs, a mother and 3 of her little children! So cute! They were very skittish though and it was hard to get a good picture of them. After setting up camp, we went back down to finish the circuit of the park. That day we ended up seeing zebra, warthogs, gazelles, hartebeests, and elands. Then towards the end of the day we ended up seeing my first giraffe! So impressive! And so large! I didn't expect them to be so big. It was almost like stumbling upon a brontosaurus or something.
The next day, Matt and I woke up early to get a good sunrise in and to finish the other side of the park. There, we ran into African buffalo, more of everything we saw yesterday and a family of giraffes! We were able to get quite close...it was amazing! Then we took a drive through a shrub/acacia forest. It was beautiful. On our way out we thought the new animal sightings were over, when we looked to our left and saw a whole field of babboons! It was insane! There was even a baby riding on one of the mothers' backs! So funny!
All in all, it was a pretty amazing trip. I can't wait for all our other future trips! I think the next adventure will be at Nakura National Park! I'll keep you all posted! Miss all of you and hope you're all doing well!!
Saturday, October 21, 2006
Thursday, October 19, 2006
Off to the Rift Valley!

It's supposed to be an incredible place, so hopefully I've have some shots/video up soon!
Wednesday, October 18, 2006
Connor and the quest for a vehicle

Speaking of which, here is a shot of Jessica in her mosquito-proof fortress:

And, here is a picture of our new roommate, Connor:

Connor is now a proud member of the family, and he is welcome in our house anytime.

Some more shots:
Here is another shot from the pastures at the southern end of the campus:

Here are some goats and myself:

The Jacaranda trees here are in full bloom right now:

Friday, October 13, 2006
Jenn & Paul in South Africa

On top of that she has a placement at an AIDS hospice nearby, where she is doing some observations with the doctors as well as taking weight, height etc.

She just sent me these fantastic photos, and I thought that they deserved a post! In December, they are coming up to Nairobi, and the 4 of us are trucking down to Tanzania for a grand adventure! We are very much looking forward to it!
Hope you enjoy!
(note: I just noticed that the "YouTube" logo obscures some of the text. If you click anywhere on the video, it will open up a new window with the same video playing on the YouTube website and the logo will be gone)
Wednesday, October 11, 2006
Jess's First Day on the Job!
Well well well! I hope everyone is doing well! I am doing great! I just started my first day of work in the lab today. I won't go too into the scientific details but my work has to do with goats rather than cows like Matty's working on!
There's a type of goat that is somewhat resistant to a certain nematode parasite. People have since crossed this goat with another species of goat that is larger and yields more product. So my job is to correlate resistance and size to mix and see which mixed breed yields the most product and is most resistant to the nematode! Fascinating isn't it? Haha, I'm sure you are all just nodding your heads in agreement! But trust me, all the lab work I'm doing is very relevant to my field and it's great just getting my 'feet wet' so to speak, you know?
But, alas, before I work on that project, (which I think will be my very own) I'm training with two people who are working on the phylogenetics of chickens! The importance of this is to observe the evolution of the chickens throughout Africa and compare that with chicken samples all over the world. Very important today with avian flu going around! Very tedious too! I worked on over 200 samples today! It was very tiring since I'm not used to sitting over a bench all day working! But I think I'll get used to it!
So, in short that's my account of what I'll be doing. I haven't given up hope yet with finding STD research work, but, as I said before it's kind of hard starting anything without being able to get into town. So I'll be phoning around once we sort out our car business. And, of course, I'll be looking into doing some work at a sexual health clinic of some sort as well...ahhh...getting busy already! Excellent! Talk to you all soon and take care!
Things are going well!

I think I’ll use this opportunity to mention a little bit about the group that I’m working for here in
“Farm animals are an ancient, vital and renewable natural resource. Throughout the developing world, they are means for hundreds of millions of people to escape absolute poverty. Livestock in developing countries contribute up to 80 percent of agricultural GDP; some 600 million rural poor people rely to a significant extent on livestock for their livelihoods.”
ILRI has five themes – or areas of focus – in order to address the severe constraints to livestock production in poor countries. My position here fits under theme 4: Biotechnology.
A bit of background: In ormation about several trypanosome antigens which may potentially be used to devise diagnostic tests for African sleeping sickness.
The work that I will be doing here is somewhat related, but more to do with the host-pathogen interaction that occurs during trypanosomal infection. In addition there is more of a focus on what is occurring on the genetic level. I’ll also be looking primarily at the animal form of trypanosomiasis, which accounts for why I’m at a livestock institute!
The first project that I’ve been assigned to is an investigation into the role of endotoxins in pathology following T. congolense infection in mice and cattle. In plain English, does the infected host (mice or cow) have bacterial toxins in its blood following trypanosome infection, and what effect does this have on the host-pathogen interaction and the infection itself?
Well, I’ve probably lost about 90% of readers by now, so I think I’ll move away from the science and back to how things are going with Jess & I!
The setup here is very good for meeting lots of people -- locals, and visiting scientists alike -- since everything here is self-contained (i.e. a lot of the people live on the campus so it almost has a 'resort' feel to it). The scientists are from all over; I haven't met two from the same country yet. The lab I work in has about 8 people, headed up by an immunogeneticist out of the
Since we have arrived here, we have had quite a few happy surprises. First was that our accommodations exceeded our expectations greatly, and that their cost was being covered by the project that I’m working for. Second, was that instead of just being a lowly intern, I will actually be under contract with ILRI as a “visiting scientist”, which I would assume entails greater responsibilities and should be even better experience than I anticipated. Third, after meeting one of the evolutionary biologists here it appears that Jessica may have a job working in the parisitology lab as well (I’ll let her tell you about it – she had her first day today). Above all, we have been overwhelmed with the warmth and friendliness of everyone we have met – especially the locals that we have encountered on campus, and also in our ventures into
Anyway, our goal (other than brushing up on a lot of biochemistry!) for the next week is to get a car. I will be posting about it once we find our new steed. I’m hoping for a
I still haven't managed to post video yet unfortunately. The connection here is somewhat faster than dial-up, but not as fast as broadband. My video uploads will get to 60% and then just stall out. Looking into other ways of tranferring files, and hopefully with have something sussed out soon!
Saturday, October 07, 2006
First shots from where we're living!

We have safely arrived in Nairobi, and spent our first day getting aquainted with our new surroundings! We will be staying at the ILRI campus, where Matt is going to be working for the next several months.
The campus is west of central Nairobi, and

We definitely didn't expect this place to be so nice, and we definitely didn't anticipate the lodging that we now find ourselves in! Here are some shots of our new abode:

Video will hopefully be coming shortly!
Friday, October 06, 2006
Jambo Sana!!
In terms of scenery, everything is beautiful! The weather couldn't be better and the foliage that surrounds us is so different from anything I've seen! Lots of flowering trees opposed to our cone producing evergreens! The only thing I'm not really used to the shanty slums but I think that I will get used to it. Anyways, I will keep in touch...I miss everyone very much!! Write soon!
Wednesday, October 04, 2006
London for a day
I've been through London a few times before, but I've never bothered to see the sites really. Jess was a good tour guide as she's been through most of the city before. This is just a short video, but it's got a few shots from around town, and -- some might say -- a particularly relevant soundtrack! If you can pick out the relevance, be sure to post a comment below (and no, it has nothing to do with weddings!).
We ended the night by taking in a show; none other than Jessica's favorite "Chicago". We were lucky to get tickets (we were told) because this was the big ticket show of the week as Ashlee Simpson was playing the role of "Roxy". Needless to say, the female 12-16 demographic was present in large numbers. It was a great show however, and old Ashlee pulled off the performance fairly well (or at least she did from the perspective of the Guiness and Strongbow enhanced glasses that I watched the show through).
Anyhow.... next post from Nairobi assuming that tomorrows flight goes as planned!
Monday, October 02, 2006
Clips from the eastcoast
Jessica's First Post
So...this is it! My last night in Canada! Tomorrow Matt and I leave for London where we will stay the

It was very nice to visit everyone before we left. It was also especially nice to visit Montreal (my very first time!), home of the famous Montreal smoked beef sandwich! YUM! Teddy and Sylvie were very generous and

Anyways, I will leave you now and I promise to keep you all updated on my African journey! Hopefully I will be up to a

Signing off now.... Jessica